Social and Environmental Education

PROFCIAMB seeks to contribute to the qualification of teaching professionals who work in basic education for the development of an education focused on the socio-environmental context, so that the students in this level of education can reflect on the environment and the importance of promoting actions that aim at sustainable development, with the rational use of available natural resources and awareness of the preservation of the environment.

The exploration of themes related to the environmental issue in the Basic Education is contemplated in the Law on Guidelines and Bases of Education (LDB), being extremely important the training of teachers trained to deal with these issues from the perspective of interdisciplinarity, provided by Parameters National Curricula (PCNs). PROFCIAMB as a Professional Master's Degree is filling the gaps in the training of these professionals in order to solve the difficulties and challenges encountered in the work of environmental themes in the classroom. In this way, a great feature of the program is the work with the environmental themes under the emphasis of interdisciplinarity, where there is the dialogue with the different theoretical knowledge allied to the practice. Thus, professionals trained by PROFCIAMB will be prepared to provide their students with the necessary subsidies so that they can critically analyze the reality of which they are part, as well as to promote effective actions that collaborate to improve it, not only in the environmental field, as well as in the social field.