The National Network for Teaching Environmental Sciences Master’s Program (PROFCIAMB) is a Program promoted by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), with the financial support of ANA (National Water Agency) and approved in November 2015. In April 2016, the UFPA hub became official. The beginning of the first group in UFPA occurred in January 2017. The PROFCIAMB network was created with concept 4 by CAPES, with 5 being the maximum concept for this type of program.

A total of 9 hubs are found in various regions of the country. All offer the free course of Professional Master's degree strictu sensu:

North: UFAM, UFPA;

Northeast: UFPE, UFS, UEFS;

Central West: UNB;

Southeast: USP;

South: UFPR, UEM.

The PROFCIAMB's objective is to enable the continuous training, at the Professional Master's level, of basic education teachers, as well as professionals working in non-formal and / or out-of-the-school setting, and those involved in the dissemination and communication of the sciences (museums, gardens, zoos, conservation units, educational, research and outreach institutions).

The Program’s  proposal is the environmental theme from the perspective of sustainable development associated with different didactic-pedagogical tools, essentially oriented to the basic education system, but not restricted to it. The focus of the projects are the educational processes and the production of methodological strategies that use different educational, didactic resources, such as research projects in teaching, environmental studies, use of electronic media, technological or computational resources, among others. In this way, the Program intends to foster the development of tools that enable the teacher to include in their classroom pedagogical practices motivation, information, experimentation, demonstrations and production of knowledge in the field of environmental sciences.